Friday, May 6, 2011

CRITICISM: Is it necessary for growth?

I just read this great article in Dance Spirit Magazine. It was about dealing with criticism in dance. When I first started reading it, I thought that is was going to make criticism out to be a negative thing. However, I was wrong, it did not. This is the quote that lead me to believe that...

"Sometimes a steady stream of corrections can leave you feeling overwhelmed, leading you to lose sight of your love for the art form."

Remember that you go to dance class to get better. "Try not to take criticism personally, especially when it relates directly to your technique. Getting negative feedback does not mean that you are not talented." Linda Hamilton (dance psychologist) points out, "to improve in anything, we need feedback to know what is working and what isn't."

How to handle criticism? "Handling criticism with maturity and positivity requires inner strength. You have to try to love yourself as you are and forgive yourself when something isn't progressing as fast as you'd hoped." There is not end to learning.

At the first class of each Phase 1 Series at Skin Deep Dance Studio we talk about one of the most important rules of the studio. NO BAD INNER DIALOG ALLOWED. It's easy to grasp onto negative thoughts about one self. However, it takes the same energy to approve of yourself as well.

If your teacher is not providing you with criticism in your class, she may be doing you a disservice. Muscle memory can set in and makes it difficult to correct bad habits later. However, in a group setting, there is not time for wholistic feedback / criticism. It is a good idea to check in with your instructor from time to time for a private lesson to fine tune your steps.

So always remember that you are perfect in your body just the way that you are.

xo Katrina McCoy

*Quotes are from "Dealing with Criticism" by Kathryn Holmes in May/June 2011

CRISTICISM: Is it necessary for growth?

I just read this great article in Dance Spirit Magazine. It was about dealing with criticism in dance. When I first started reading it, I thought that is was going to make criticism out to be a negative thing. However, I was wrong, it did not. This is the quote that lead me to believe that...

"Sometimes a steady stream of corrections can leave you feeling overwhelmed, leading you to lose sight of your love for the art form."

Remember that you go to dance class to get better. "Try not to take criticism personally, especially when it relates directly to your technique. Getting negative feedback does not mean that you are not talented." Linda Hamilton (dance psychologist) points out, "to improve in anything, we need feedback to know what is working and what isn't."

How to handle criticism? "Handling criticism with maturity and positivity requires inner strength. You have to try to love yourself as you are and forgive yourself when something isn't progressing as fast as you'd hoped." There is not end to learning.